On Wednesday, the team behind the layer two scaling project Boba Network announced Boba AVAX L2. According to Boba, the business is ready to announce its official collaboration with Avalanche as a scaling solution. Avalanche provides quick speeds, affordable prices, and environmentally responsible solutions. Boba AVAX L2 upholds and further enhances these characteristics. 1/ We’re over the slopes to announce our partnership as an official scaling solution for @avalancheavax 🌟 Avalanche offers blazing fast speeds, low costs, and eco-friendly solutions: Boba AVAX L2 holds true to those values and enhances it further! pic.twitter.com/hhj5wrCIll — Boba Network 🧋 x 🔺 (@bobanetwork) September 21, 2022 Boba Linked to Ethereum Network According to l2fees.info statistics, Boba’s fee to shift Ether is $0.17, and the expected cost to swap tokens is $0.30. Boba is linked to the Ethereum (ETH) network. The gas monitoring tool on etherscan.io indicates that this is less expensive than the current 34 gwei ($0.96) for sending Ether onchain. Boba’s $0.30 cost to swap is 96.4% cheaper than the average high-priority decentralized exchange (DEX) swap, which may cost $8.47 per transaction onchain. Boba AVAX L2 For Heavy Transactions Boba Network stated on Wednesday that Boba AVAX L2 is designed for all heavy transactions, throughout-reliant protocols, and for everyone seeking to be a part of the future generation. The organization continued by ...