AUT (Autorium) is an ERC20 compatible automatic mining Ethereum smart contract built on the Ethereum blockchain. Autorium implemented a supply-curve modeled growth algorithm in order to control token deployment. Additionally, Autoria uses a “Proof of ETH” mining node registration system in order to promote diverse participation and Ethereum usage.
AUT (Autorium) is an ERC20 compatible automatic mining Ethereum smart contract built on the Ethereum blockchain. Autorium implemented a supply-curve modeled growth algorithm in order to control token deployment. Additionally, Autoria uses a “Proof of ETH” mining node registration system in order to promote diverse participation and Ethereum usage.
Autoria will be holding its ICO on August 10, 2017. The ICO structure and details will be announced soon.
ICO 상태 | Upcoming |
토큰 공급량 | N/A |
시작 날짜 | N/A |
종료 날짜 | N/A |
기금 조성 (BTC) | N/A |
기금 조성 (USD) | N/A |
초기가 (USD) | N/A |
보안 감사 회사 | N/A |
ICO 법적문제 | N/A |
ICO 관할권 | N/A |
법적 조언자 | N/A |
블로그 | |
백서 | |