2022-04-21 03:30:42

The Next Big Thing in Web 3.0: What Are the Features Blockchain Technology Is Bringing

Web 3 may be new to those who do not use the internet frequently. However, those using it for over a decade know Web 1, 2, and 3. These are the iterations of the internet, and they all come with different technologies that aim at improving how people connect virtually. The first iteration of the internet was Web 1, which rolled out in the 1990s. It introduced the age of interconnection of computers globally. It was closely followed by Web 2 in 2002/2003. This iteration of the internet was unique as it introduced social media. Therefore it earned the name ‘The Social Web. In the early 2010s, the preparation for the launch of Web 3 began with institutions and companies going digital. They began introducing the use of software in 2013 when the internet had significantly changed. Now, Web 3 has started gaining traction. Web 3 has not been fully realized, but the current technology is promising enough to necessitate its study. Its conjunction with blockchain technology will also offer limitless opportunities to the world. The History of the Internet The internet has been around for almost three decades now. In each decade, a new internet iteration was introduced, but they all rely on each other. Web 1 Web 1 began in the 1990s and had the most straightforward form yet. In this iteration, people could only connect their computers over long distances, and not much could be done. However, it is the most important one yet as it introduc...

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